The Scientific Circle of Biologists was founded in 1978 on the initiative of Dr. Włodzimierz Chętnicki – a long-standing guardian, and currently the patron of the Society – and continues to operate to this day.


We are passionate about biology and bring together people who are hungry for knowledge and action, nature lovers. We focus our activities within five sections: ornithology, herpetology, entomology, photography and microbiology, where we conduct numerous actions and research. Our priority is to develop our scientific horizons and gain valuable experience for the future work of a biologist. We also engage in popular science activities by organizing events aimed at shaping pro-environmental attitudes in children and adolescents.


“The scientific circle is the people who create it” – these words of Dr. Chętnicki, they reflect our activity and are the motto of the Circle’s activities.

Since 2013, Dr. Agata Kostro-Ambroziak has been taking care of the Circle, and our ranks currently include over 30 students from the University of Bialystok, but also from the Medical University and Bialystok University of Technology.   

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